Sometimes, it’s the nuts who are the most dangerous

photo credit: JoePhilipson via photopin cc
photo credit: JoePhilipson via photopin cc

It’s nuts. Absolutely nuts.

The thought that a peanut – the epitome of the tiny, poster child for the puny – could stop a kid in her tracks. Represent such a threat to a child’s existence that even its airborne presence could result in anaphylactic shock.

Restrict her eating habits for the rest of her life. A peanut. A damn peanut.

That you’d need to check every label, fret over every birthday cake.

That you’d worry about what’s in the rice in the Chinese take-out or in the enchilada sauce in the cantina because really, how do you ask if the kitchen uses peanut oil or has any chance of contamination from peanuts, when you don’t speak the same language?

How do you stress how crucial it is to know – really, life or death?

photo credit: chotda via photopin cc
photo credit: chotda via photopin cc

There are other allergies – dairy and wheat, for example – but when your kid receives the diagnosis she’s allergic to peanuts, in the most severe degree, everything changes.

My kiss is toxic. Well, once it was. Two hours after I ate a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich, I planted one on Marie’s cheek as I put her into her car seat.

Nearly instant hives followed, as did other signs, as time went on: Belly aches after a cupful of Chex mix recipes. Feverish conditions with each order of Chick-fil-A nuggets – her favorite. The tests confirmed it.


It’s a simple existence, really: Read, every label on every box and every bag.

Remember, every time – EVERY TIME – to ask the manager, or the chef, not just your waiter, about nuts, peanuts, tree nuts being used in the kitchen.

Look for ice-cream scoops used in nut-containing ice cream.

Learn to jab your baby’s thigh with a possible life-saving dose of steroids, because even when you read and you look and you ask and you learn, there’s a chance someone deep-fried a Snickers bar in the fry grease, or the last kid to sit at that table smeared peanut butter on the chair handles.

Marie’s sisters have been stellar. So has Marie.

I couldn’t pick up a box on the cereal aisle without being asked, “nuts in it, daddy?” They’ll nag me to ask about peanut oil, because of that one time we’d gone to KFC and learned they just made the switch from vegetable oil, that week.

Hey, peanut oil is cheaper than vegetable oil.

photo credit: Chapendra via photopin cc
photo credit: Chapendra via photopin cc

A boy in Marie’s kindergarten class once held out a Butterfinger, still wrapped, from his Lunchable to the teacher. He treated it like nuclear waste. He gave it up because he didn’t want Marie to get sick.

You appreciate the advocates. The man in the bakery bound and determined to find a pack of cookies without nuts, just for Marie. The mom who saves the pretzel bag at the school dance for us to check. The snack families who phone the night before to make sure what they bought is OK.

Nut allergies do polarize, though.

You will have ugly moments: The classmate who brandished the PB&J in the nut-free classroom at Marie’s table, and when Marie reminded her she was allergic, sneered, “Just hold your breath.”

Adults who hate a peanut-free classroom, citing the hassle of spreading mayo and ham on a sandwich instead of daring lunch moms to stop the influx of the nutty contraband.


“I don’t check everyone’s lunch,” one mom said. “I doubt anyone else does, either.”

Hey, her son really likes peanut butter.

Know what?


My daughter really likes to breathe.

When you’ve had a day in which paramedics had to administer oxygen to your kid because some way, somehow, her “peanut-free” lunch of school chicken nuggets, eaten in a “peanut-free” classroom, still resulted in a reaction that compromised her oxygen levels, you’ll understand that maybe your “harmless” lunch might have contaminated the wrong table on the wrong day.

There are no colored wristbands for peanut-allergy awareness.

No trendy 5Ks to run.

No celebrity spokespeople championing the cause of responsible peanutting.

There are heroes, though.

There are teachers who, when they learn they have a peanut-allergy child in their class, declare their classroom peanut-free and even post signs. Then, when the push-back began from parents who needed to not only know why and how but, really, who would have the gall to deny their angels their peanut-butter crackers during those terribly long school hours, gave them the ultimate reason:

I’m the one who’s allergic, she said.

End of story.

Well done, Mrs. Sizemore.

You’re absolutely nuts, you know.

Perfection Pending


  1. Kris B says:

    I don’t know how you do it! For my sons birthday party I was determined that his little classmate was going to enjoy every bit of the birthday fun despite his severe nut allergies. (His mom said he just knew that when he went to parties he wasn’t allowed to eat any of the food.) So I very carefully selected every ingredient that I put into the cake, snack mix and goody bags so that they were completely safe for him. It was a crazy big job for one afternoon. Families who have to do this for every meal and snack every day of their lives will have a special place in heaven!

    1. It becomes second nature, like hating the oakland raiders. Plus, her sisters are awesome about checking things, as are her friends.

      There are awesome parents out there like you who make the effort to make a safe birthday party, too. Marie usually just brings some brownies we’ve made to the party she’s invited to, and brings a few extra (because other kids like the idea).

      Luckily, it’s easier and easier to shop peanut-free. The warnings are in bold print beneath the ingredients. There are few things I make that I ever have to make much effort to make them safe for her.

  2. I have 2 nephews with severe allergies, including nuts/peanuts and bananas, and their Mom makes nearly every bite they eat. Even though they never visit me, my house is virtually p-free. I’m one of the paranoid parents who check every label when packing Little Guy’s lunch, and will keep stuff home…just in case…I applaud your efforts to ensure safety and to educate those for whom small sacrifices are an affront to their way of life. Be encouraged – there is life beyond PB&J!!

    1. See, when you get multiple allergies working together, that’s when the real work starts. We watch labels religiously, and pray for no surprises. I’m always worried some kid will have coated something benign in peanut butter or something.

      Love that you’re so conscious of what Little Guy takes to school. That’s definitely not a given! It’s kind of important, though.

      We love a life of sunbutter and jelly – you’d never know the difference!

  3. Tricia says:

    My daughter is allergic to peanuts and oh do I know what you’re talking about here. She just started school this year and I haven’t heard anything about parents complaining over the peanut-free zone yet. But I do have to send her lunch in with her every day with everything labelled like crazy while the rest of the kids eat the catered meals. And I obsess over everything that goes into her mouth, every time she touches a table, or – worse – eats something that fell on the table at a restaurant. On the other hand, I swear that soy butter tastes just the same and is probably healthier for us all too!

    1. Here’s hoping your daughter’s classes are always friendly to the peanut-zone necessity. Because, as you know, it *is* a necessity. Be a bulldog about it if you meet any resistance.

      I suspect your child is getting not only healthier lunches, but yummier, too. Have you seen what they’re serving in school?

      I’d rather eat something that fell on the restaurant table than some of the stuff I’ve seen as a lunch dad. (Pizza dippers are the exception. If a kid turned the other way, I can’t guarantee I wouldn’t steal one of these off their little desks. Just being honest!)

  4. Louise says:

    My daughter’s school – and most kids places around my city – are nut free for just this reason. It’s pretty standard and everyone accepts it. Hopefully it goes that way in other places too.

    As far as school lunches go – we do “faux-bo” and jam – ie: use fake peanut and jam – complete with a big sticker and note for the first little while about how it was soy, not PB – so the teacher knew. We also kept the “It’s not PB” sticker on her sandwich box for the year so that when we did the faux-bo, they all knew.

    I have nut allergies (pistaccios and cashews) and my mom is allergic to all fish, so the odds of our kids having something was pretty high – so far so good. I don’t envy you the worries and always do our bit to support those with allergies.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I wish more places were. Marie is in a soccer camp now and a lot of kids bring PB&J for lunch. It gets dicey.

      I love that faux-bo concept. We happen to love sun butter.

      We just have to keep alert and keep advocating, don’t we Louise?

      1. Louise says:

        Eesh – that’s concerning about the camp. I find it hard to imagine camps that aren’t peanut free (all the city ones are here) or that wouldn’t go that way as soon as they had an identified camper with an allergy. Safety wins over preference and convenience – end of story. And I say that as a PB fan!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        i know – as I said, i know kids love peanut butter. But my kid loves to breathe!

      3. Louise says:

        I’d say that’s a convincing argument!

  5. Jessie says:

    What a teacher!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Talk about cementing a place in our hearts …

  6. Nicola Young says:

    We have a nut free school too. It’s no joke and parents who are put out by this are ignorant. I used to work in a government department that dealt with allergies and intolerance. We worked hard to educate the public and manufacturers. I think most people get it now. But you always come across the odd few who don’t.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I wish our whole school was nut-free. I just think people don’t realize it’s not just an inconvenience; it’s life and death. We don’t have the trendy color or spokesman.

      Glad you did have a government department for the cause – it’s not going away any time soon. on the other side, there are incredible advocates for education, aren’t there?

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