
stormtroopers office desk accused

Man – I love being a dad.

For one, my girls ask a lot of questions. This keeps my brain pliable and squishy, rather than old and cracked like pizza when you leave it in the box in the fridge for a couple of days. (We do know how to take care of pizza in my house.)

I’m a Hispanic dude, but that usually ranks lower than other categories I’m in, unless we’re talking about homemade tortillas.

My family partakes in occasional graffiti and goes to soccer matches close and far. Our daughters – ages 19, 16 and 12 – are the stars of this show, and I’m like the method actor who always seems to get the part. I wonder who would play me.

I try to post a few times a week, but my crazy schedule has something to say about that.

Sometimes, the words around here get crazy, especially as it pertains to January Jones or cheese. Or both. Other times, they’re contemplative, because how can we appreciate January Jones or cheese if we don’t have spells without them?

Thanks for stopping by – it’s a good tribe around here. 

jain quote fatherhood



  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    All too often, TV shows depict fathers as clueless dolts, getting into as much trouble as the kids. Always bugs me, because most of the dads I know aren’t like that, my husband included. I can’t imagine where my teen sons would be without their father. So here’s my thanks to all you fathers out there who actively invest in your kids’ lives. They are better for it!

    Thanks for visiting my site. 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      The fall of the dad is well-documented. We’re losing our power in the home as the authority figure, and respect in life as a caricature of ourselves.

      Now, I’ve been hearing we’re to blame for the fall of the boy. We’re just not fathering our sons right. As father to only girls, I can’t exactly speak to that, but we are under fire, we dads.

      We will soldier on, though, somewhere between cavemen and doormat.

      Visiting your site was one of the best things I did this weekend. Glad to know you, Carrie.

      1. Carrie Rubin says:

        Ah, thank you. Right back atcha. 🙂

  2. You are an inspiration to all dads out there. Your father’s legacy lives through you and now yours lives through your daughters. Best wishes to you and your family.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thank you so much – just visiting your site today I see that you’re made of some pretty great dad material too, my friend. I’m very impressed with your work, and look forward to reading more.

      Best to you and yours, too.

  3. laurie27wsmith says:

    I don’t know if I mentioned it to you Eli, the reason why men/fathers are parodied on TV advertisements especially, is because women in the 18/35 group are the ones who do nearly all the buying. Therefore they are the target audience for the advertisers. If they were shown the same way men are they’d probably stay away in droves.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Makes perfect sense. Also explains why dads often feel like pinatas.

      1. laurie27wsmith says:

        I watched a makeup ad this morning and it shows Dad an executive type, (is there any other job on adverts?)coming home from work all tired out. the female voice over is taking the piss out of him, “poor man, a hard day at work.” Then a vibrant, healthy stress free woman waltzes in, carrying a toddler, groceries and smiling. Voice over, “Women wouldn’t know about hard work would they?” What a slap in the face for all those men (Dads) that work their guts out in hard jobs day after day. A stay at home mum can organise her day however she wants. Rant over.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Feel better, mate?

      3. laurie27wsmith says:

        *Takes deep breath lets it out slowly* I am now thanks Mate.

  4. debsrandomwritings says:

    Your outlook on Fatherhood is refreshing to read. I know that more men are becoming more active as parents and want to be a good roll model for their own children and as you pointed out, for other children too.

    Parenting is hard for both men and women and unfortunately it is usually the women that take on the brunt of the child rearing responsibilities, even though men are equally up to the job. Hopefully your blog is setting a good example to Fathers all over the world and is encouraging men to be proud Fathers too.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thank you Deb! Fatherhood has changed a bit, but I think the biggest way is in the ways we realize we can have an impact.

      You’re right – we moms and dads have to do it together. This fatherhood stuff is the most important work we will do as men. We can’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.

  5. jgroeber says:

    I needed that. It’s so easy to see it from the Mama point of view but so important to lift my head out of the proverbial sand and see the world from another angle. And I totally agree that we are parents to others beyond our own, and that our fathers’ love and care (and in my case, his inappropriate sense of humor) follow us wherever we go. Blog on, brave Papa.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Jen. And it’s tough to look up for either of us, because we kind of have our hands full, don’t we? When my kids misbehave, I get on them, then I recognize myself! So, it turns to one of those proud moments.

      Thanks Jen – I’m glad I found your blog!

  6. drinkpinkarizona says:

    This is great Eli! Wonderful writing and kudos to you! Girls are rough, and you have 3!! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Kelly! Glad to have you here. I have two teens and a spunky 10-year-old, and I’m still standing.

  7. That’s a pretty good depiction there. You have three girls, I’m the opposite, I have three male Minions and man do I have stories. Jodi from The Noise of Boys sent me your way.

    1. Oh and I love the use of the Stormtroopers in your posts. Huge Star Wars geek here.

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        Ever since I conceded that I’m too short to be a stormtrooper, this has been the way to go!

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks, dude! Looking forward to checking out your blog, and I’m now following you on Twitter. Jodi’s an all-star, franchise-tag kind of blogger.

  8. Hodgepodge 4 the Soul™ says:

    (Tears) I’m glad you’re here. How blessed your girls are to have a dad such as yourself. Many girls don’t have that-even with their dads in the picture…

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Fatherhood changed me so much. I am the blessed one. They’re my life!

      1. Hodgepodge 4 the Soul™ says:

        Indeed! There’s nothing like being a parent 😀

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        It wrinkles our face and bends our spine, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  9. stomperdad says:

    I still find it amazing how much I have learned since becoming a dad. And it’s not so much that Dad’s are losing power in the household as it is becoming equals with the moms. I’m seeing more depictions of dads doing the “girls” responsibilities at home while the moms go to work.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      We’re teachers, but definitely still students, Eric, and fatherhood reveals us, I believe.

      The Dad Struggle looks so different in different places. We struggle to shed the buffoon label at times, and often we accept low expectations from society and even our own families.

      I’m still seeing dad as a bumbling sidekick and extra sibling in a lot of ways, Eric. Let’s do our best.

      1. stomperdad says:

        Between the two of us (and a few friends) we can change that, I think. I know I have surprised a few people by doing things not expected of me as a dad. I’m guessing you have too.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        It’s all in a dad’s work, Eric.

  10. Nice hearing a dad have his say and doing it so eloquently.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks – I love this gig.

  11. joyroses13 says:

    Sounds like you have some very blessed girls to have you as a Dad.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’m the blessed one!

  12. Interesting thoughts. We do not even have a TV. I hate it! It is much better to see new films and cartoons with my kid at the cinema or to play active games in the backyard.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks. A TV-less life would be cool – unless the USWNT was playing! I would miss M*A*S*H*, too. Playing with our kids is the best, isn’t it?

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