Guest Post: Erica, of A Sign of Life, on How to Bathe a Cat


The first thing you notice about Erica is that she’s foxy.

Check out her blog, A Sign of Life. Foxes. Everywhere. The tagline: “seeking forward motion one sign of life at a time.” Amid the foxy theme is fiction and poetry. There’s also soul-baring posts from one who admits, “I think too much and write to little.”

She first happened upon the CD for the Honesty Day lies post, and stuck around.

I’ve told her the story of the fox who greeted me outside a hotel. On a trip to Boone, N.C., I went to the car to get something during the night, and there she stood on a high retaining wall. I could see only her silhouette.

She stared down at me for an eternity, then she pranced away along the fence.

Presumably, so I could marvel. So foxy.

Today, Erica is here to tell us how to bathe a cat. She does so with that wonderful dry sense of humor I’ve come to love. Yes, she thinks too much. And yes, she doesn’t write enough. But you’ll enjoy her thoughts and words just as much as I do.

Be sure to check out her space, too.

photo credit: Jess and Colin via photopin cc
photo credit: Jess and Colin via photopin cc

Part of the reason I got a cat was because of how low-maintenance cats usually are: you feed them once a day, water them when they need it, they poop in a box, don’t need lots of attention, and they clean themselves.

Also, I just like cats.

In return, they love you/ show you affection/ sometimes cuddle/ glare at you disdainfully from across the room, and – if you’re lucky – tolerate being held. It seems like a pretty straightforward win-win situation.

The problem arises when said cat requires a bath that the cat itself can’t do; in my case, it was because the dog came home with fleas and then both the cats began scratching themselves more than usual.

Armed with only a will of steel, I set about giving the cats a flea bath, and now I impart my knowledge to you, my dear reader.


photo credit: Daniel john buchanan via photopin cc
photo credit: Daniel john buchanan via photopin cc


  • One or more cat(s)
  • Bathroom with a door that closes
  • Bathtub
  • Cat soap
  • Towel
  • Leather gauntlets that are used for holding large birds of prey (optional, but useful)
  • Dirty laundry scattered on the bathroom floor (optional, makes clean-up easier)
photo credit: Chuckumentary via photopin cc
photo credit: Chuckumentary via photopin cc


  1. Fill bathtub halfway with warm water. If the cat has done this before, it will be suspicious and hide.
  2. Find cat, and drag feline unceremoniously out from her hiding spot (mine like to hide under the couch).
  3. Make sure the bathroom door is closed, and you and the cat are on the correct side of it.
  4. Drop cat into the water and step back quickly.
  5. Repeat step 4 until the cat and bathroom are drenched in water, and the bathtub is probably empty.
  6. Soap cat. (This may come with varying difficulty, depending on the cat. My kitten tried to cuddle up to me because he was scared, poor thing, and this made it easy to shampoo him. My adult cat was having none of this nonsense and hid behind the toilet.)
  7. Repeat steps one through four until most of the soap is off the cat.
  8. Attempt to towel-dry cat.
  9. Release cat from bathroom.
  10. As cat ignores you for the next two to 24 hours, this is an excellent time to clean your wounds (because oh no, you will not come away unscathed) and mop a few gallons of water off the bathroom floor.
photo credit: Grozz via photopin cc
photo credit: Grozz via photopin cc

Hooray, you now have a (probably) clean cat, a water-logged bathroom, and several new battle scars! You did it! Now you may rest, after you find the band-aids.

A huge round of applause to Coach Daddy for inviting me to write my very-first guest post!

cat bath quote



  1. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Yikes! You are a braver soul than me; I would have hidden while the other member of the household did all this for me!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Hell hath no fury like a cat given a bath.

    2. E. says:

      What must be done, must be done I’m afraid. And Husband finds very elaborate excuses to get out of cleaning anything, so I just roll my eyes and get it over with, haha.

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        We defer to female counterparts because they do *everything* better.

      2. E. says:

        That’s an acceptable excuse, if slightly irritating at time.

      3. Eli Pacheco says:

        If we’re sly, we can parlay this ‘ineptitude’ into solitude. ahhh.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Don’t laugh too hard Holly – we’re going to make you give the goldfish a bath.

      1. E. says:

        Oooh, now *that* I want to see!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Make sure you get between the gills!

  2. Lyn says:

    Your courage is amazing Erica! I would not dare try to bath our cat. He weighs about 20 pounds and looks just like a black panther — right down to his 1/2 inch claws. He doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him. He is solid muscle and I value my life way too much to take him on 😀

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Just grab him by the scruff of his neck like his mama did.

      1. Lyn says:

        Ha! You haven’t seen Napoleon. I can barely pick him up with both arms. He’d rip me to shreds 😮

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        He could be your guard cat.

    2. E. says:

      He sounds gorgeous! And kind of deadly! I now appreciate that neither of my cats weighs over eight pounds, squirmy as they may be. 🙂 I wonder if there’s a dry shampoo that can be used on cats to make the process a little less deadly.

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        No one would blog about dry cat shampoo, E.

      2. E. says:

        That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!

      3. Eli Pacheco says:

        What’s it like – Comet?

      4. E. says:

        I don’t know, I’ve never seen it! Haha. I’d imagine it’s something that wouldn’t eat away at their skin and leave them bald and red. 😛 Probably a powder that you could rub into their fur and call it good.

        I should look up if it’s a thing or not.

      5. Eli Pacheco says:

        People talked about it at work today, and I don’t think they even saw all these comments.

  3. ksbeth says:

    having been there, i’d say this cat bath recipe is right on the mark )

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      “hey, let’s go wash the cat … ” (no dad has ever said this, I’m 87% sure.)

    2. E. says:

      It’s become one of the household chores around here… A begrudging, reluctantly added chore that often gets pushed waaaaayyyy down the list. 🙂

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        What could possibly rank below it?

      2. E. says:

        …. That’s a really good question.

      3. Eli Pacheco says:

        anything to do with toilets. and taxes.

      4. E. says:

        Yes. Those are evil. I would rather wash my cats than do either of those.

        OH! And cleaning the fridge. Haaate cleaning out the fridge.

      5. Eli Pacheco says:

        My kids clean the fridge out every day after school. Except for the veggies.

      6. E. says:

        This is the one time I wish I had kids to do stuff for me.

      7. Eli Pacheco says:

        They come in handy at tax time, too.

  4. laurie27wsmith says:

    I’ve heard that the old lift the lid and seat, place cat in bowl, slam lid down and flush repeatedly works well. At least that’s what is on the instructions the dog left.

    1. E. says:

      The dog is up to something… I’d keep an eye on him. 😉

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        At least the cat is clean. ish.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      I saw that on Tom & Jerry once.

      1. laurie27wsmith says:

        That’s probably where I remember it from. It’s a safer way of doing it.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        It’s always safer in the cartoons, mate.

      3. laurie27wsmith says:

        They have endless lives too Mate.

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        More than we do?

      5. laurie27wsmith says:

        I’d say we’d beat them on it.

  5. My grandfather always said that cats were smarter then dogs, but still you are definitely braver then me and admit I won’t be bathing any animals anytime soon, because my kids are quite enough and just paid for our puppy to get a bath, because that is just how I roll 😉

    1. E. says:

      Your grandfather was a wise man! I count myself lucky for only having pets to wash, haha. Don’t you just love the way pups smell after getting a “professional” bath? 🙂

      1. Yes, yes, yes!! Totally love how clean our puppy smells after a professional bath!! 😉

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Wonder how I’d smell after a professional bath. I’m pretty sure I’ve had just amateur baths at this point.

      3. You and me both! Definitely things that make you hmm! Now I got that song in my head and still love C&C Music Factory 😉

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        My last concert, incidentally (and quite sadly).

      5. That is total irony for you!!

      6. Eli Pacheco says:

        I might or might not have seen Richard Marx in concert once, too. Might or might not have.

      7. Eli Pacheco says:

        Still got pup breath, though.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      What if there was a kid-washing service?

      1. Omg you just blew my mind!! 😉

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        What do you think they could charge, Janine?

      3. I haven’t the faintest but would be interested in finding out!

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        It could be like a car wash, where the kid walks through the brushes and rollers. $5 a pop.

  6. LOL!!! This is too funny!! I give both my cats a bath 2-3 times a month…the kitten who is only 4 1/2 lbs is easy….but my 1 year old is 20 lbs and it’s quite the workout to give him a bath!!

    1. E. says:

      Ooh, you’re braver than I! I only bathe mine every couple of months, as needed. And for me, it’s the kitten who throws the bigger fit, haha. I’m sure you’re quite strong after giving such a big kitty so many baths. 🙂

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        Maybe Cathy ought to blog on it.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      Don’t cats wash themselves? Is all that licking recreational?

  7. ProteanMom says:

    Haha! Much braver than I am… I won’t even try to tackle bathing our dog. Although I am going to give myself a few points for bathing the kids on a (semi) regular basis! 😉

    1. E. says:

      You gotta celebrate the small things, like clean children! 😀

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        Clean kids are small miracles.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      kids can generally just be hosed down a couple of times a week, right Kim?

  8. E. says:

    Very nice origami fox, CD! 😉 And thanks for giving me a spot here.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad you liked it – I’ll make you one someday.

  9. Very nicely demonstrated 🙂 Thankfully I have never had to give my cat a bath, but this is a very well written post about how to do it the right way 🙂 Stopping in from Hump Day Happenings!

    1. E. says:

      I think I’ve given enough cat baths for the both of us. 🙂 Thanks for reading!

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        You should have a higher order of cat-bathers at some point … some quasi-Jedi status.

      2. E. says:

        I should! I’ve earned my badge, dang it!

      3. Eli Pacheco says:

        Or at least a hood.

      4. E. says:

        I like the hood idea better.

      5. Eli Pacheco says:

        And a lightsaber. If you could manage a lightsaber … or at least a discount on donuts.

      6. E. says:

        I’m not sure which is the better win in this situation…

      7. Eli Pacheco says:

        Can’t go wrong with lightsabers *and* donuts.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      Consider it a public service, Megan!

  10. Megan Walker says:

    Hahaha! This is the perk of having a small dog: when it’s bath time, he doesn’t have the weapons or strength to fight back. But he DOES give me a very disdainful look : )

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Sounds like my kids, actually.

  11. Rorybore says:

    oh gracious…. we just got a 6 month old kitten, like, a week ago. And he’s soooo cute.
    but now I’m afraid. very afraid. the littlest Who has already spilled her yogurt drink and some Nutella on him, and I am pretty sure that is a squished jelly bean stuck to his fur……
    ….this may not end well at all.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      You have the guide to washing that dirty cat right here, Rore.

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