Guest Post: 3 Quotes, 3 CDs, 3 Books For My Kids, by Ashley of Confessions of A Working Mum

photo credit: Pocket-Trumpet_web via photopin (license)
photo credit: Pocket-Trumpet_web via photopin (license)

Our blogs are like our confessionals.

guest postTo some, it’ll take more rosaries to serve penance than others. Not naming names here. Today’s guest blogger is Ashley. She writes The Confessions of a Working Mum, and it kind of sounds scandalous, doesn’t it?

Only Ashley isn’t that scandalous.

Sorry guys. But she is thankful, reflective, and an excellent writer. Mum to one and one on the way, she shares photos and quotes and thoughts from the perspective so  many of you know – as a working mum. Or mom, wherever you might be.

Today, she’s here with her slant on a blog topic I wrote on a while back for Julia on Diary of a Word Nerd blog.

She’s picked three CDs, three books and three quotes to share with her children. I dig her choices. Let us know some you’d pick for your own kids, or tell me if you’d like to write a guest post like this. And then go check out Ashley’s place next.

photo credit: Hanging Pen Drive via photopin (license)
photo credit: Hanging Pen Drive via photopin (license)

When Coach Daddy asked me if I wanted to write a guest post, I was thrilled. For a couple of reasons actually, someone other then my husband reads my blog and someone liked my style enough to want to hear more! So yup thrilled is a very fitting word.

It seems every parent wants to pass their knowledge and wisdom to their child. When I was growing up my Mum would always tell me about her mistakes and how I should never repeat them. Well I did and I am glad I did, because now I have that experience firsthand. I can’t wait to pass on my wisdom and knowledge to my children. I fully expect them to make the same mistakes and maybe even get different out comes, and that’s ok as long as they learns from them.

I’ve been living my life and now I have children to pass knowledge to. It’s not just your personal experiences that you learn from, it’s the culture you take in, the music you listen to, the books that make you want to read them again and again and the quotes you read that send shivers down your spin and give you goose bumps!

I love to read. I’m a reader! Though now that I’m a Mum, I read a lot less. But when I do read, I make it count. Once my daughter can read, or hold a book the right way up, here are a few books I hope that she reads, loves and respects.

The Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank

The Lost Girls – Jennifer Baggett, Holly C. Corbett & Amanda Pressner

Love You Forever – Robert Munch

All of these books offer something different: adventure, to be grateful or the simplicity of being a parent. I love them all and have read them all many, many times.

Now I am not much of a music buff, I couldn’t tell you the release date of an album or what band has what members. OK Spice Girls had five, and they were awesome! I don’t care what you say!

SPICE UP YOUR LIFE. What I am trying to say is that we have such a strong connection with music. There is always some sort of music playing in our house, anything from Frank Sinatra to some band from Germany yelling into the microphone about how to make cookies…in German.

I hope my children appreciate the classic music of Frank Sinatra, he’s a love of mine! Fly me to the moon, let me play among the stars…

I couldn’t pick out a certain CD or album but there are some artists who have influenced me and made an impact in my life.

photo credit: Frank Sinatra via photopin (license)
photo credit: Frank Sinatra via photopin (license)

Frank Sinatra – smooth, classic and timeless. I discovered Frank Sinatra when I was about 16. The time when Christina Aguilera was wearing next to nothing in music video and singing about getting ‘dirrty’. Britney Spears was doing the same thing only rather then being in a fighting ring, she was ‘being a slave’. Excellent role models for an impressionable 16 year-old girl. Take off your clothes and you get attention, while Frank was singing about classy dames. Things seemed simpler. What I took away from listening to Frank Sinatra was that classy gals get the same attention, just from a different sort of man, someone who may be more respectful. If you respect yourself, others will too.

Nine Inch Nails – Trent Reznor, I immediately think of passion. Some of you may think of other words, more obvious words but passion. But he pours himself into his music, a lot of people can relate. He has built music labels from the ground up because he didn’t want to conform and mold to others expectations. You’ve got to respect that. His talent blows my mind. The Social Network soundtrack. Amazing, just amazing.

Madonna – pick a decade! The world needs more confident women like this. She took control of her life and her career in a way that no other woman has. Diva through-and-through. Her music is relatable; if you think about it you could probably come up with 5 songs of hers that you know easily. Strength. Independence.

These were the just the first artists to pop into my head, there are many others, not only listening to there music, but knowing a bit about how they got to where they are has influenced the way I evaluate things and I hope that my children have these types of influences and inspirations.

My favorite thing is when you read a quote and it Rocks Your World! Your whole life seems to suddenly make a little bit more sense. You can learn from other people lives and apply it to your own. If you’ve ever visited my blog on Sunday, you will see a ‘Say It Sunday’. So much wisdom around the world, let’s share it. Here are a few of my favourites to finish of this post:

hell quotejudge quote

behavior quote

What about you? What three books, CDs and quotes would you pass on to your kids?


  1. What great choices and I totally agree with the book choice of Anne Frank, but would add The Catcher in the Rye, as that book still resonates with me all these many years after I first read it, as well. But that is just me, I suppose.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Not just you – Catcher in the Rye was definitely impactful for me, too.

      1. I have never read The Catcher in the Rye. I will have to add that to my list 🙂

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        It just felt like that first grown-up book I read … well, Call of the Wild felt like that, too, but this was bigger feeling.

  2. Julia Tomiak says:

    These quotes are excellent choices! Pinning to share with my kids and many others. Great thoughts, Ashley. I hope to visit “Say It Sunday” soon; I love finding meaningful quotes.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      You two would love each other’s blogs.

  3. A.PROMPTreply says:

    What a great post! Do like your choices. Have to ask though….have you ever made it through “Love You Forever” without tearing up? That book is a killer!

    1. No I haven’t made it through with our a tear. I even try to read it in a happy, funny, upbeat tone… then I get that lump in my throat and the tears follow.

      1. A.PROMPTreply says:

        Yep, same here. Terrible book, that one! 🙂

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Super Bowls usually make me cry. The ones Denver loses, that is.

      3. Eli Pacheco says:

        I wish there was video of this – not to make fun of you, just to see it.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      That’s me after … well, 98% of the kids books written about a dad.

  4. tamaralikecamera says:

    Sheesh, that’s intense. I’d have to agree with Anne Frank too!
    This is a prompt I’ll take with me, and maybe write and credit you, of course.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’d love to see what you come up with, T.

  5. laurie27wsmith says:

    Great guest post as usual Mate.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      You’re a member of the club, bub – it’s a solid sort of writer and one close to my heart who settles in here on a Wednesday.

      1. laurie27wsmith says:

        Only the tough hang there do they Mate?

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        The tough, the talented and the stubborn. Extra corn if you qualify for all three.

      3. laurie27wsmith says:

        Look Mate, I’m taking a break for a couple or three weeks. I haven’t been doing well. I’m putting a post up to let people know what’s happening.

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        I’ll check it out, brother. And I’ll check in on you. You’re not getting rid of me that fast.

  6. ksbeth says:

    great choices and i would add ‘the giving tree’ to my list )

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      nice pick beth!

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