Guest Post: Elizabeth, of Autism Mom, on Tips for the Autism Parent

photo credit: Dude of Lego Stormtrooper via photopin (license)
photo credit: Dude of Lego Stormtrooper via photopin (license)

Elizabeth eats veggie burgers – but we don’t hold it against her around here.

GAD GRAPHICShe writes the blog Autism Mom, where she shares “Autism ideas, news, strategies, tools and lessons learned from one mom with one child and one experience on the Autism spectrum.” She chronicles the adventures of her son, known as Navigator. One feature of Elizabeth’s site is the journey told in Navigator’s words. This includes posts and videos.

My favorite? The video, Navigator’s Advice. He’s all kinds of awesome. (“This is not a curse,” he says in my favorite quote. “This is actually a gift.”)

Today, Elizabeth’s here to with a take on parenting tips, but for those with a child on the spectrum. Please give her a warm CD welcome.

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