👨 A to Z Challenge: M is for Man (a Guest Post from Alyson of the Shitastrophy)


Sometimes our sports heroes are role models. But not always.

CD az challengeToday in the A to Z Challenge, M is for Man. As in, being the man. Not in a Ric Flair kind of way. Not even in a “You Da Man!” kind of way we react to a strong swing off the tee.

Being a man requires strength, yes, but it’s often a gentle strength. Or at least a compassionate one. It’s doused with humility. It shows an appreciation for the human condition, the value of every moment you can make a difference.

Today’s guest post is from Alyson, from The Shitastrophy blog.

Yes, you read that right. Alyson has eight bad words – including the F word – in her banner. She’s kind of badass. She’s a bully of a blogger, too, a Jersey girl living in a Midwest not ready for prime time. Not this sort of prime time.

She’s here to talk about men in the Notre Dame football program who made a difference to one boy. Many more, I suspect. It’s a great story. After you read her shit here, go read her shit there, at The Shitastrophy.

I just wanted to say it one more time.

Alyson April 15

So often we hear about fallen athletes. Football stars who fail to exhibit even the most basic skills of humanity. Individuals who consistently put themselves before anyone else. Role models, who were once held up on a pillar, fall in a fiery spectacle of disgrace. What we should be hearing about are those athletes who put others before themselves. Football players who think beyond the field and recognize the power that their position in life has on those that struggle. As a society, we should be shining a light on teams and coaches who push their players to do good. Teams that provide their players an opportunity to reach out into their own communities to establish relationships with kids who look up to them.

This past week I had an opportunity to meet the angels of Notre Dame football. The men who play under the Golden Dome are more than just superb athletes. Football is a way of life in South Bend, Ind., and the players are idolized by many local kids. Notre Dame has shown its strength and abilities on the field time and again, and has demonstrated that it has what it takes to be successful. But that is not what impresses me about this team and school.

My son is 10 years old. He loves history and can tell you even the most remote fact about Ancient Egypt, regardless if you want to know it. He struggles in school and has attended more schools in his short life than an adult does in their entire lives. He has problems connecting with kids his age and often this leaves him shy and discouraged. His heart is the same color as the Notre Dame dome – Gold.

He has attended the Notre Dame football camp for three summers now. It is a fantastic program that the team runs for three half days in June. The players and coaches shout words of encouragement, they bolster the kids’ self-esteem, they high-five the kids when they catch the ball or get a tackle. It is an amazing camp that hosts more than 600 children every year. Most of the kids are excited to be there, they are outgoing, they seek out the players to talk, and they have no qualms asking for an autograph. Most kids joke with their idols and are in awe that they are working out and learning next to a top collegiate athlete. Most of the kids smile and want to soak up every second.

But not my kid.

He keeps his head down. He barely talks to the kids in his group. He moves from one drill to another as if he is doing a death march. He wants to be at the camp, we would never force him to go, but he struggles with the pace and the loudness of the horns, the interaction with the players and kids his own age.

photo credit: Manti Te'o via photopin (license)
photo credit: Manti Te’o via photopin (license)

Until this year.

The week before camp two Notre Dame players took time from their own lives to come and have dinner at our house to meet our son. They talked to him, threw a ball with him, and joked with him. I haven’t seen him smile this much in a very long time. He held his head high when he came out and asked the gentlemen if they would like to see his room. He looked them in the eyes when he politely asked them, “Um excuse me would you like to throw the ball with me?” He laughed and giggled when they missed a throw and wasn’t embarrassed when he did too.

The same two players told their coach about my son and on the first morning of camp, that coach came up and introduced himself. He took the time to make my child feel comfortable. A simple gesture that went so far, he could never really understand. My son went to the camp this year and for the first time ever he laughed with the other kids. I watched him talk to the players and he made it his quest to get every one of their signatures. I watched the players high-five my guy and I saw happiness reflected in his face. I saw pride and excitement.

Notre Dame Football players are a group of gentlemen that has left me grateful to be a part of this community. They have gone out of their way to make this camp successful for my son, for no reason other than the fact that they are an amazing team. Regardless of what you want to say about some athletes, I have to say that Notre Dame are truly golden both on and off the field.

irish quote


  1. claywatkins says:

    Amazing story and uplifting. Every man should strive for that leadership capacity. Lift them up. Wow is all I can say. Your son must have been floating on air. Great story.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Makes me want to root for the Irish next year, Clay.

      1. shitastrophy says:

        GO IRISH!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        … unless they’re going against Colorado State in a bowl game …

      3. claywatkins says:

        Almost 🙂 I am an Aggie alum.

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        Texas A&M? North Carolina A&T? New Mexico State?

      5. claywatkins says:

        Gig ’em! – Texas A&M – forgive me

      6. Eli Pacheco says:

        Johnny Football and Clay Blogger … now that’s an alumni base!

  2. Lyn says:

    That is just beautiful, Alyson! When a sportsperson takes time out to befriend kids in this way, it makes you feel good. More press should be given to them, rather than the ratbags who misbehave.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      People want to read about ratbags, unfortunately. I believe the sportsmen who do this sort of thing wouldn’t want the limelight, anyway.

      1. shitastrophy says:

        You are correct Eli they have been very humble about the whole thing. When USA Today interviewed them they were so very sweet and kind about it. Jake was honored to be included in their final game program and again the team was so nice to him. Just awesome all around.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        We should commend the program, too, for fostering this kind of interaction and recruiting players like this.

  3. I love Alyson and her story of the Notre Dame players treatment of her son is absolutely classic and never gets old to me and also totally proves good still most definitely exists in this world 😉

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I think the players got as much out of it as her son did, don’t you think?

      1. Yes I totally do 😉

    2. shitastrophy says:

      Thanks Janine – you are dearly loved by me as well 🙂

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        Anyone who doesn’t love Janine is a bit of a shithead in my book.

  4. stomperdad says:

    I’m a bit jealous that I’m not her son! What an experience and kudos to ND for putting in such an effort, especially the young men who came to supper and the coach who helped her son feel welcomed and comfortable. We need more stories like this!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Can you imagine players on your favorite college team coming to dinner when you were a kid?

      1. stomperdad says:

        Something he’ll never forget! (nor his parents)

    2. shitastrophy says:

      It was a wonderful experience for all of us. I can’t say enough good things, there may have been some maternal tears involved.

  5. NotAPunkRocker says:

    What a great team that is to come together for her son!

    (no comment on the actual football skills)

    1. shitastrophy says:

      Yup it was so sweet and kind of them.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      Some athletes really get it, Sheena. They know how to be heroes – and know better to consider themselves heroes in the process.

  6. ksbeth says:

    what a wonderful story of connection and caring –

    1. shitastrophy says:

      Thank you! It made such a difference to him last year at camp.

    2. Eli Pacheco says:

      They’re the good guys, for sure, beth.

  7. Brooke says:

    What an amazing story. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad you liked it Brooke! (It’s not cheating to use a guest post in the A to Z Challenge, is it?)

  8. roweeee says:

    There are so many truly beautiful people out there doing wonderful things but we don’t hear about it. Thanks so much for sharing this fantastic story.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I was also glad it wasn’t from a team I don’t like!

  9. mocadeaux says:

    What a remarkable story, told so beautifully! It is things like this that make me very proud to be a Notre Dame alum. GO IRISH!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I was so glad they won the ACC men’s basketball tournament!

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