Sometimes, You Have to Slow Down to See Yourself


Words. So many words. Too many words.

Ann at The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally blog wrote about brevity last week. It made me think of the monstrosity that was my Coffee-House Applause post a couple of weeks ago. When I hit save, it weighed in at more than 1,000 words.

That’s too much, y’all.

I pared it down to 800-plus and published. I should know better. My mentor, copy editor Harry Pickett, said to make every word fight to stay on the page. On my blog page, words did not fight. They made love and had babies. Dozens of them.

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A Coach’s Lesson, in 6 Words

photo credit: icedsoul photography .:teymur madjderey via photopin cc
photo credit: icedsoul photography .:teymur madjderey via photopin cc

You can learn a lot from a coach.

Not all of it’s good. I remember a frustrated soccer coach who slammed his notebook to the turf after our team scored, then barked out the F word. Hayden, then playing U8 soccer, turned to me, mouth open slightly, and blinked several times.

I swear a light bulb illuminated above her head.

Thanks, coach.
Many other lessons are far less R-rated. Well, some.

Continue reading “A Coach’s Lesson, in 6 Words”