Doing Songs the Right Way

photo credit: music2work2 via photopin cc
photo credit: music2work2 via photopin cc

Sum up your life in six … songs.

Not what you thought I was going to say, was it? I’ve accepted a challenge for today to tell the story of my life in six songs. So not easy. I scrutinized my Pandora station, imploring a higher authority to lay the six songs out for me.

The results appear today at Running on Sober. Come check it out.

We got the chance to toss in a seventh song to encapsulate it all. This was the toughest choice by far. What would your seventh song be? Please tell me, in your comments here on the CD. And if you venture there, please let me know what you think of my list.

It’s all kind of … revealing, I think. Vulnerable.

Also, I will take a vacation next week.Not to a deserted LEGO island to fish.

photo credit: Tim Kirman Photography via photopin cc
photo credit: Tim Kirman Photography via photopin cc

I’ve entrusted three bloggers I trust with everything. They’ll have profiles on Coach Daddy. Monday, Sandy Ramsey of Mother of Imperfection will write the usual feature post.

Wednesday, Janine Huldie of Confessions of a Mommyaholic will write the intro I usually write for a guest post.

Friday, Tamara Bowman of Tamara Like Camera blog will tackle Go Ask Daddy.

She’ll answer with questions real-life diva Scarlet poses to her.

Why am I doing this?

Every month, I purge my email folders of anything more than a year old. It also gives me a glance back at where I was a year ago, what was important, and what lay ahead. I saw wonderful things on my horizon then.

I saw excellence in my day job. I saw friendships in early bloom. I saw a blog in the first stages of becoming what I never imagined it could.

I also saw life, verve. Confidence, and panache. So many other ways to describe what I saw, but there was a light there that has since dimmed. No, life isn’t in the dark for me. But there is a luster, a sluggishness to what once roared. And I rode its crest.

I will find it again.

photo credit: chasedekker via photopin cc
photo credit: chasedekker via photopin cc

I will fight like hell to find it again.

It’s been a sneaky luster, like unpolished brass or a garden that hasn’t been cultivated. To grow, you must cultivate. To shine, you must polish. I’ve done neither. Barnacles and viscosity have taken a toll, so deftly I’d never have noticed without the look behind.

I love this and I love you far too much to do nothing about it.

You’re in capable hands this week. So many of you are loves. Others of you are such hard likes it feels and looks like love from up above.

My friends will dig their shovels in and play Coach Daddy for a day. And all week, I’ll check in on my smartphone, read and answer your comments, and miss you like mad.

This isn’t the beginning of the end. I love this too much for that. This is a preemptive strike, a time out to enforce my gameplan. Nothing will change in my process. It works. But even C-3PO needed an oil dip now and again, didn’t he?

I hope the time away, just a week, can recharge me. I’ll be here, not far.


Walking the fairway on a tranquil morning on the disc golf course. At lunch, with a cubano sandwich and Hemingway book. In the yard, playing catch with my kids. And when my phone chimes that I have a comment, I’ll read your words. And give you mine. Like always.

When I see you again, I hope you’ll notice.

Notice I have a bit of the charisma back, that vigor and dare I say swagger that helped keep you here in the first place.

That made you my friend.

I love it when you meet me here.

See you in a week.



bye quote


  1. JL says:

    Enjoy your time. Hope it serves you well. Can’t imagine how you can get better, but excited to see!!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I will, thanks! I hate to be away, but I’ll still be close – just not too close. I feel this is preemptive, you know? Just want to make sure I have what I need. Thanks for the encouraging words!

  2. Love you Eli and you know I am truly honored and so very happy to help you. Definitely enjoy your time off and recharge my friend. We three ladies are here to hold the ship down while you do!! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thank you so much, Janine. Couldn’t do it without you! I know this place is in good hands.

  3. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Enjoy your time away. Another blog I read regularly is on a hiatus for all of August. I am tempted to see how both of y’all’s go…I am seriously considering taking off in September if it appears to be worth it.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I will, although it makes me anxious to leave – why recharge by giving up something you love to do? I can’t imagine staying away for any extended period. In the NASCAR world, this would be the equivalent of the ‘splash and go’ – not a full pitstop, but just enough to get you to the end.

      1. NotAPunkRocker says:

        My worry is coming back to find everyone else left and trying to find out where they went. It’s easier to keep track when you are on here everyday! 😀

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        That’s why I want to keep the sign up … I don’t want to be forgotten, either!

    2. runningonsober says:

      Sheena, I took last November and December off. Came back with renewed enthusiasm, more spambot followers, and to all the same friendly faces I knew before my break. If you’re getting a little tired, take a break, we all understand and we’ll all be here when you get back. ❤

      1. Eli Pacheco says:

        Spambots are like moss, I think.

  4. Yanic A. says:

    I love your list! Especially the bonus song ’cause it’s on my “Deserted Island Playlist”. Love the meaning behind all of it and feel like I know you. Is that strange?

    What would my #7 song be? Oh gosh, I have no clue! I would have to seriously think about that one since I’ve made so many changes in my life the last few years. If I promise to think about it and come back, will you give me a few days?

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Yanic! What else makes your Deserted Island Playlist? It isn’t strange at all that you feel like you know me after that list. I found it most revealing to put it together, even to me.

      Definitely check in when you’ve discovered your seventh song, will you?

      1. Yanic A. says:

        Off the top of my head :
        – What a good boy by Barenaked Ladies
        – The Drinking Song by Moxy Fruvous (Very revealing for me an some of my life changes a well.)
        – Into the Mystic by Van Morrison
        – The Book of Love by Peter Gabriel
        – Sunday Morning by Maroon 5
        – God only knows by The Beach Boys
        – On the turning away – Pink Floyd

        … I know the list was 20 when we played the game, but it was a while ago

        All of them have a piece of what would make my #7…

        I will check back in I promise!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Nice list. Makes you want to maybe at least spend a day on a deserted island! Look forward to your song No. 7, Yanic.

  5. runningonsober says:

    Thanks again for joining us, Eli! I hope you have a refreshing break.
    Sometimes you have to get out and live life so that you have something to write about … and the energy and zest to write!
    I’m sure you’ll find that little spark again… take the time you need. Sounds like you are very loved here, everyone will understand.
    (PS– my song #7 from volume 1 was “What I Am” by Edie Brickell… “religion, is the smile on a dog…”)

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Christy – so thankful to have this opportunity, and it’s a perfect last post before a bit of a walkabout.

  6. ksbeth says:

    have a wonderful, wonderful time, eli. see you when you get back.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      thanks beth … help yourself to the snacks while i’m away.

  7. Kim says:

    What an incredible group of bloggers you have invited to share your space! Love that you are taking some time to completely enjoy your vacation!!!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’d toss them the keys and never think twice, Kim. It’s just a breather for me, Kim, a 60-second timeout for a little sweeping up in the soul.

  8. ProteanMom says:

    Have a great week off 🙂 six songs…. Oy. I winder how many will end up being from Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Kim – I’m going to be tempted to jump back in, I know it. You have to pick grownup songs for your six, it’s the rules.

  9. tamaralikecamera says:

    Oh yes, very capable hands. I’m in great company with Janine and Sandy. And I daresay that Scarlet and I plan to make this special for you too.
    We love you! Take good care!
    Off to read the songs!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  10. Love your list, especially Mr Blue Sky!

    I once made a list of 11 songs:

    If I had to limit myself to six songs, I’d probably choose

    Flashdance – what a feeling, Irene Cara
    Walking on sunshine, Katrina and the Waves
    Groovy kind of live, Phil Collins
    Living years, Mike + the Mechanics
    Candle in the wind, Elton John
    Clocks, Coldplay

    My Bonus track might me the Forrest Gump Piano Theme:


    I like that life is like a box of chocolate – naturally 😉
    The melody goes right to my core and touches me there. Can’t explain why – it just does.

    I hope your time off will do exactly this to you 🙂
    Take care!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Tamara – thank you SO much. If I fill the space with good music and fresh air, I think that’ll do the trick.

  11. Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says:

    We all need to step away and recharge sometimes. Blogging has been hard for me this summer and I have felt pretty disconnected. I hope you enjoy your week and find the light again. And, I love your song choices!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      It’s strange, because the writing and ideas are there, Lisa – but something seems to have stolen the shine I felt a year ago. We often never know what goes on for a blogger beyond the words, do we?

      I’m grateful for your words, both here and in your space. And I’m glad you liked my songs! i tried to listen to the playlist yesterday, but there’s something about having all those songs strung together that is almost too much.

  12. laurie27wsmith says:

    It does a bloke good to get away and recharge the old batteries Mate. Down here we call it having a bludge, taking it easy. You go and enjoy yourself, don’t worry about us poor souls noses to the grindstones etc, etc. Take care mate, we’ll see you then.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I just need to go look for something I’m not sure is there, mate. But I’ll give it my best.

      1. laurie27wsmith says:

        Down here it’s referred to by the Aboriginals as ‘Going Walkabout. ‘ It’s the time when a person goes in search of something, themselves, new places etc. Come on back when your feet are sore.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        There’s definitely mixed feelings mate – why leave what you love to find what you’re not sure you’ll find?

      3. laurie27wsmith says:

        That’s what new experience and adventure is all about Mate. Sailing into the unknown, face to the wind, eye on the horizon (sounds painful) but you get my drift?

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        I do brother. I’ll do my best to slay the dragons and come home to a roo steak and pint.

      5. laurie27wsmith says:

        Try extremely hard Mate, it’s worth it. The beer that is.

  13. Lyn says:

    It must be the season for “getting away from it all,” I’m doing the same. Let’s hope we, who are venturing out into the wild blue yonder, have a fun time and come back refreshed 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I kind of hate doing it, honestly, Lyn. But it’s time.

  14. Rorybore says:

    Love the Life in 6 songs idea!! I already commented over there that I could not agree more with including Follow You, Follow Me. And further, I would also pick a John Denver song, but for me it would be “Take Me Home, Country Roads,” because that’s where I am from and I never want to forget the simple life that gave me so much. Hhhhmmmm, picking others would take some serious thought. There was a time “Friends in Low Places” might have applied, HA! But I think I’ve moved beyond that. There would probably be a Disney song – because, of course. Bare Necessities — let’s add that one. I just love that bear.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Follow You, Follow Me will always be special to me, because of what happened with my dad and that song. I don’t like to seek it out, because when I hear it organically, I think he’s sending it to me.

      I’ve seen your commenters. I think “Friends in Low Places” definitely still applies. (I count myself among that crew, by the way).

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