A to Z Challenge: R is for Rockies


CD az challengeFor me Rockies is a baseball team. Not a place to ski.

For the A to Z Challenge today, R is for Rockies. My beloved baseball team, yes, who got off to a rip-roaring start this season (7-2!) only to lose three straight (they’re losing 5-0 in the first inning as I type this and try to ignore it). My Colorado Rockies cap is well-worn and well-loved. But also the western foreground to the most spectacular sunsets I ever saw as a kid. A nod to the majestic mountains that never let me forget which way was home.

Corporal Max Klinger would fist-fight with a dude who dared insult his Toledo Mud Hens.

I’m not that kind of fan. I can’t really, because 93% of insults to my baseball team come from my kids.

Elise cheers for the Angels, like my dad did.

Marie picked out the Red Sox (just before they swept Colorado in the World Series).


Grace is a loyal Rangers fan.

It’s funny that I’m a Rockies fan. They didn’t even exist when I moved from Colorado in 1988. But they’re from my home state. In fact, very little about my home state made the trip east with me when dad moved us here to North Carolina. I’m just know realizing my inner hippie, even.

I was born and raised in Colorado. We natives pronounce it “kah-luh-RA-doh.” I learned to love the Broncos and you know how I feel about the Rockies. I like the Nuggets and the Avalanche. Hell, even the Rapids.

I’ve even eaten Rocky Mountain Oysters. And liked them.

But … I HATE skiing. I think it’s the dumbest thing ever. And I also love Julia Mancuso. But, I hate skiing. I’ll be at the lodge, with a rum and coke.

Do you know Julie Burton? She writes the blog Bug Bytes. She’s a whiskey drinking, Kansas State-loving, bacon-hating (hey, no one’s perfect). She wrote a post called I Don’t Believe in Cold Vacations.” I’ve seen pictures of people having fun skiing,” she wrote.

“And I feel sorry for them. They look cold.”

That’s the thing – whites, blacks, Mexicans, gays, straights, even people who don’t like bacon – Coloradans agree on many things. Craft beer. Steak and eggs. Chile verde. Casa Bonita. John Elway is God. Tim Tebow isn’t, but he’s danged close.

(He’s right up there with native daughters Amy Van Dyken and Amy Adams.)

photo credit: Powdered "munchkin's" can get messy. via photopin (license)
photo credit: Powdered “munchkin’s” can get messy. via photopin (license)

We don’t all love to ski, though. The best powder is generally found on my donuts.

Maybe it’s a white Coloradan thing. Even if we can double-high five with Coloradans of different religions and creeds when Terrell Davis snaps off a Mile High Salute in the end zone, we don’t all have to agree on what makes for stellar sporting in The Centennial State.

Besides, there’s enough downhill action when you’re a Rockies fan.

rockies quote


  1. And then there is me, who is a Mets fan since before I can even remember! 😉

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Your Mets are kicking arse so far!

      1. I know and feels strange though!!!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        I was all excited about the Rockies’ 7-2 start, but now they’re 7-7.

  2. laurie27wsmith says:

    I don’t know about the team mate but I’ve been to the Rockies, beautiful.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Majestic, mate. Sometimes the ball team doesn’t live up to it.

  3. Yvonne says:

    Oh, that Julie is a funny woman!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      She’s a gem and a riot, all in camo and K-State colors.

  4. Lisa says:

    I love Colorado! Gorgeous state! I agree 100% about skiing!mid be the one in the lodge with a good book, Kalua and cream, sitting in front of a warm fireplace!!! Have a super week! Hugz Lisa and Bear

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Colorado will always be home, but North Carolina has become that for me, too. I miss my grandma and those mountains.

      I didn’t try to ski until I moved to North Carolina. That’s like a Maryland native waiting until they moved to Kansas to try crab cakes.

      No one breaks a fibula in front of the fireplace in the lodge, right Lisa?

  5. Lyn says:

    I’ve been to the snow once. That was once too often. I didn’t ski – too unco for that. I did slide down a long slope on a sled ~sigh~ and ended up on a frozen creek. The combined weight of the sled and I were a tad too much for the ice and there was a kheeeee-RACK! It resulted in a long, soggy, cold walk back to the resort dragging the sled behind me. Think I’ll give the Rockies in winter a miss 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      In Greeley, where I grew up, we’d get a ton of snow in the winter, and have a week of summer when the highs were in triple digits every day.

      The Rockies are also well appreciated from a comfy chair in the lodge, Lyn.

  6. Kathy G says:

    I was in the Rockies last summer (and stood with one foot on either side of the Continental Divide). It was awe-inspiring. However, I have no desire to go back in the winter and ski down any of those mountains.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      The High Country is the best, Kathy. I loved going so high in the Rockies we couldn’t get radio stations. I just have no desire to stand on slick sticks and hurtle down an icy slope.

  7. A.PROMPTreply says:

    Okay, you think skiing is dumbest thing ever? Hrupmf! Have you actually tried it?

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      There are probably a few dumber things than skiing, such as:

      – Baking meth
      – Eating Blue Bell ice cream
      – Berating a ref at a youth sports event

      I did try it once. I could have been a champ. It was the tow rope I had a problem with.

  8. The best part about skiing is “après ski” 😉
    As long as the powder is on your donut, I’m not worried about you.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I try not to get hurt on that powder, Tamara.

  9. Julie Burton says:

    Hahaha!! I love it! This post, not skiing. Thanks for the shout out!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Hey Julie – glad you stopped by. Skiing really sucks. Rum and Coke does not. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Kim says:

    Grace is my favorite – go Rangers!!!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      She loves her boys! Josh Hamilton is her fave.

  11. Kristi Campbell - findingninee says:

    How did I forget that you’re from Colorado? First, The Rockies. The bomb. Remember the fab four? It was before Dante (SWOON back then) was known to be a butthole. I remember opening day – it was snowy and my ex went with his mom and I was so jealous (you’d moved by then though I guess).
    Also the Avalanche??? Did I ever tell you about having drinks at Lime with Peter Forsberg??? Colorado. I was at a Stanley Cup playoff game and the guy sitting behind me bought me beers all night because I stood up and yelled “PUSSY!” to whoever it was that I no longer remember on the other team.
    So um, I LOVE skiing even though I’ve had knee surgeries because of it. And Colorado will always be my home. DC just isn’t the same. I miss the Nice People.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I should keep a small Colorado flag in my sidebar, Kristi. I do remember the fab four, the Blake Street Bombers!

      I saw Dante in his final hurrah, in spring training with the Red Sox. We writers came into the clubhouse in the fourth inning to speak with Pedro Martinez, and he was sitting down there by himself eating pizza.

      Gotta love our Rox, though, right? I never, ever meet any fans.

      You didn’t tell me about Peter Forsberg! You’re bringing back memories of good days in Denver sports. Our Avs need more fans like you, clearly.

      You can take us out of Colorado, but you can’t take Colorado out of us, KC. I miss the friendly people, too, although North Carolinians ain’t so bad.

  12. ksbeth says:

    rrrrrrrrrrrrred wings.

  13. I don’t ski either and live in CO. I like to spend my snow days inside! I do hope to attend a Rockies game in July.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Non-Skiers of Colorado United. Snow days, even here, are the perfect excuse to stay inside. I hope by the time you get out to Coors Field, our boys are still in contention!

  14. tamaralikecamera says:

    Rocky Mountain Oysters, huh? I’m not a fan myself.
    Remind me to never tell you about the time I attempted skiing.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I wouldn’t go out and seek them now, no. But I’ve had them. I hope you’ll not only tell me your ski story, but that you’ll blog it so that the entire world will know.

  15. Rorybore says:

    I do love me some John Denver!!
    And I still have my Montreal Canadians jersey from when I was a teenager. the name on the back is “Richer”… go ahead and look that one up. It’s a loooooonnngggg time ago. still must be my good luck charm though since they won the other night! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’d cue up Annie’s Song right now, but I don’t think I could take it. Of course I remember Stephane Richer!

      (My teenage jersey was a Denver Nuggets Alex English jobbie. Loved that one. It was the rainbow cityscape one.)

      You should get a new one, Rore.

      1. Rorybore says:

        If Price saves them in this series: I will be getting a new one!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        I wish I had a hockey team in the tournament. Or even a basketball team!

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