Our Requests for Kindness, in 6 Words

photo credit: May The Fourth Be With You - Day 123/365 via photopin (license)
photo credit: May The Fourth Be With You – Day 123/365 via photopin (license)

We’re in the midst of kindness right now.

6 words graphicFor humankind, at least. And at least for a week. You might have seen the hashtag #bk2hk on social media. There’s a specific kindness for each of seven days, from courteous driving to sacrifice of personal wants for others to Forgive Your Foe Friday.

[Learn all about #bk2hk week]

Every month, I compile a post called 6 Words. Ernest Hemingway inspired it when he said any story can be told in a six-word sentence. I ask bloggers, friends, strangers, and a few strange blogger friends to respond to a prompt.

[See other 6 words posts here]

In the midst of Be Kind to Humankind Week. In six words, what’s one act of kindness you’d love the universe to bestow upon you this week?

photo credit: drive thru via photopin (license)
photo credit: drive thru via photopin (license)

1. The biggest dose of patience available.

Meghan W., of Phase Three of Life 

2.Some sunshine plus peace and quiet.

Nikki Y., of Nikki Young Writes

3. Make her cancer go away. Please.

Meg D., of Dear Crazy Kids

4. Back to school – send coffee. STAT!

Lisa W., of The Golden Spoons

 5. Sunny skies for summer’s last hurrah.

Kim S., of Copilot Mom

6. Would love extra hours to sleep!

Tarana K., of Sand in My Toes 

photo credit: moka house carrot cake via photopin (license)
photo credit: moka house carrot cake via photopin (license)

7. Happy coworkers, happy customers…pure bliss!

Britta B., of It’s a Britta Bottle!

8. Be the reason someones smiles today.

Tiffany M., of Sounds Like Life to Me 

9. No judgement without dialogue: SEE me.

Leslie B., of Time Out for Mom

10. Please, just let them fall asleep.

Meredith S., of The Mom of the Year 

11. Please someone pay for my Starbucks.

Rebecca, of Frugalista

12. Reverse time back to summer vacation.

Rosey M., of Mail for Rosey 

more time
photo credit: M$$MO via photopin cc

13. Allow time not to fly by.

Janine H., of Confessions of a Mommyaholic

14. Please teach my newborn to nap.

Katie M., of Pick Any Two

15. Make my husband’s leukemia go away!

Lisa, of Blondie’s BEARista

16. Bring me a kitty to love.

Norine D., of Science of Parenthood

17. More understanding, love, and a nap.

Kim, of Protean Mom

18. Be mindful and faithful in everything.

Debbie T., of Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains

snow day houses

19. Snow day in August=day off!

Jeanette, of Not a Punk Rocker

20. Please, just let me sleep in.

Louise H., of Baby Gates Down

21. I would love to end judgement.

Alyson, of The Shitastrophy

22. Get me out of the red.

Penelope G., of Penelope’s Oasis

23. Take it easy, wait your turn 🙂

Tamara G., of The Three Gerbers

24. Can’t we all just get along?!?!

Rabia L., of The Lieber Family

high school
photo credit: Kalexanderson via photopin cc

25. Postive attitute sustains Back-to-School. 😛

Mel B., of World According to Mags

26. Bestow balance as I seek it.

Prudence, of Prudence Debt Free

27. Sibling squabbling would miraculously cease. Hallelujah!

Gina T., of Full of It

28. Room to heal, grow, and love.

Ann K., of The Year(s) of Living Non-Judgmentally

29. each person look out for another.

beth k., of i didn’t have my glasses on …

30. Gain my Officer Commission, pretty please!

Aunie, of Aunie Sauce blog

good to have girls

31. Understanding and doing good for all.

Erik W., of This Kid Reviews Books

32. In THREE words: To be appreciated.

Michele P., of Old Dog New Tits

33. Everyone to adopt a homeless cat.

Ellen, of 15 and Meowing

34. Give me strength to be alone.

Erica R., of Erica Rhodes.net

35. Bestow upon me kind people daily

Lorraine J., of Be Kind to Humankind

36. Open mind, listening heart, warm arms.

Nicki G., of Red Boots

GAD 3 10 lede stormtrooper blood
photo credit: Leoraul Prop Shot Lighting, Finn Stormtrooper Helmet via photopin (license)

37. #Dare To Do The Right Thing.

Kevin F., of Who Woulda Thought?

38. Simply stop and smile at people.

Jennifer I., of Another Jennifer

39. Gratitude for living and loving life!

Cristina, of Exhale Joy

40. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Nina G., of Sleeping Should Be Easy

41. Please, let my kids sleep in!

Melissa M., of  Wading Through Motherhood

42. Arrive in Boston safe and sound!

Vanessa, of Say Hello to Gorgeous

photo credit: Take one via photopin (license)

43. Any kind act, so very appreciated.


44. Be helpful, truthful, gentle, honest, real.

Tania, of Tania 2 a Tee

45. Potty training instant success, thank you.

Colleen P., of Lemonthistle

46. Open mailbox. YES!! Mortgage is paid.

Rebecca B., of Everyday Life

47. Three extra hours of sleep, please.

Dana H., of Kiss My List

48. Smile and hug the negative away.

Sandra, of A Momma’s View


49.Pizza discovered to encourage weight loss.

Mo, of Mocadeaux

50. Take away my friend Kat’s cancer.

Kim T., of Day With K-T

51. Let me sleep, make me cookies.

Tamara B., of Tamara (Like) Camera

52. Let all suffering be worth it.

Tessa, of Nothing Was Said

53. Taking control of my own world.

Rena M., of The Diary of an Alzheimer’s Caregiver

54. An extra week to sleep in.

Teri B., of Snarkfest



55. Unlimited energy that matches my kids.

Megan L., of Meaningful Mommy

56. Someone please feed me free pizza!

Rea A., of Blissful Snapshots

57. Call and say you’re hiring me.

Lisa, of The Meaning of Me 

58. A paying job fulfilling Love’s calling.

Jennifer L., of That’s a Jenn Story

59. Deliver me, strength from inside me.

Eli P., of Coach Daddy 

kindness quote


  1. amommasview says:

    A great list of 6 words of kindness and a great way to finish the post!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Sandra – and who better to sound off on kindness than Dalai Lama?

  2. Many nice ones. Lots of them include sleep, I had no idea this was “grant me a wish day” 😉
    On the other hand: just imagine how kind mankind could be if they all just got enough sleep!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      A good roundup, eh Tamara? It wasn’t long ago the word of the day for these was wine; we’ve come a long way.

      I often believe the world just needs a nap.

  3. walkerkaty0 says:

    I second every single one that said that they wanted an extra few hours of sleep.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I think everyone who reads this should follow it up with a nap, Katy.

  4. ksbeth says:

    i loved many of these, especially #8,14,and 22. i feel lucky to have been a part of this one )

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Those are winners, beth. so is yours.

  5. Another great list and you know I just love being a part. Oh and you totally picked the right one for me at of the two I sent you!! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad you liked it, Janine. I could have gone either way with the ones you sent!

  6. tania2atee says:

    So great! I’m honoured to be a part of your list! So many great requests for kindness….and extra sleep. I totally sympathize.

  7. Dana says:

    Love the variety here. Some, like mine, were pretty benign. Some got me right in the gut. I’ll gladly give up those extra hours of sleep for some of these to come true.

    Glad to be joining you again, Eli!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      It’s a mixed bag of kindness, isn’t it Dana? Benign kindness is still kindness. Some feel more urgent, yes.

      Great to have you in as always.

  8. A perfect way to celebrate the importance of dreaming for the sweet stuff! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I hope I never stop dreaming for the sweet stuff, Meredith. Ever.

  9. I am all for kindness every day. The world would be such a brighter place, wouldn’t it? Thank you for inviting me to join in, Eli!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Kindness is free and has no calories, so why not, Kim? It’d make rush hour easier, even.

      Glad to have you along!

  10. I can’t pick a favorite because they are all pretty awesome! Love being a part of this, thank you so much!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I didn’t include any sucky ones, Tiffany. (I didn’t get any! And calling them sucky wouldn’t be very kind.)

      Thanks for playing along, and for the link on your blog, too.

  11. Penelope says:

    Some of these made me cry, gah…totally feel like my problems aren’t a big deal after all.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thing is, Penelope, we all have spots we could use some kindness in – some might deal with large issues, but that doesn’t mean we couldn’t use kindness other places, too.

  12. NotAPunkRocker says:

    Yay! I finally remembered to turn mine in on time to be included! 😀

    Great list and I agree, naps are always a welcome thing 🙂

  13. Nicki says:

    What an amazing list of kindness you’ve curate, Eli! Every single one made me smile and feel warm :). So happy to be a part of it.

  14. It’s amazing how many people wrote about sleep! I wonder if it’s because so many are parents of young children? Or is this a widespread phenomenon for all kinds of people? I think you should write a post about it : )

  15. mamarabia says:

    I really needed this right now, Eli. So glad I could participate and then read it at the exact right time.

  16. Lisa @ The Golden Spoons says:

    All great & always interesting to see some similarities – sleep, cancer, food. Loved yours at the end.

  17. Cristina says:

    This was a great list to read ! Lots of people need sleep 🙂

  18. A great list again Eli! I went to some others and met some great bloggers! Thanks for doing this.

  19. Rorybore says:

    I think “more understanding, love and a nap” is just about the perfect day! LOL
    as always I am in awe at how varied and all equally wonderful our words are. thanks for always bringing us together to shine like this!

  20. herdthinner says:

    Winning numbers for the Megamillions jackpot.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’d settle for winning numbers in the min-millions jackpot. Or finding a crisp fiver in my jacket pocket come fall.

  21. V says:

    Great lists. I’m really happy to discover so many other bloggers

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks V. It’s a good group of scribes in the list, you included.

  22. Great collection! This is my favourite:
    Be helpful, truthful, gentle, honest, real.
    Tania, of Tania 2 a Tee blog

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks Lainey – I look forward to checking out your blog. Tania’s sentence is good, isn’t it? If we could all only.

  23. tamaralikecamera says:

    Sheesh, these run the beautiful range from things I want right now, to things I want every day. If I had been answering less selfishly, I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
    So I figured I’d begin with sleep and cookies.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Lots of ways for kindness, Tamara. I hope no one feels selfish for what they wished for. It was intended to be a request for kindness for ourselves, which is kind of a contradiction for kindness, isn’t it? We’re more apt to share kindness than ask for it.

      A nap a handful of cookies feels like a good way to start.

  24. Thanks for including me! They are all great. But am I in the friend, blogger or strange blogger friend category?

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad to have you in the house, Jennifer. It’s a good barrel of hope, isn’t it? If you have to ask which category you’re in …

  25. Kim says:

    Wow. We’re all sleep deprived and hungry. Sleepover and BBQ, anyone? 🙂

    That’s the answer to world peace right there. Okay, part of it, anyway.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      You nailed it, Kim. Get everyone a nap and a barbecue sandwich, but which one first? Got room for 60 sleeping bags in your living room?

      I know a sleepover and barbecue isn’t the way to world peace, but on a local level, it’ll be so awesome a world in turmoil will feel light years away.

      Solid plan.

  26. Rea says:

    So heartwarming to read these answers. I can relate with everyone asking for extra hours of sleep! God I need that too! But then pizza makes me happy so I just bought one for myself earlier. Haha!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Hope comes in many flavors around here, Rea. A collective nap is definitely in order. Sign me up.

      I loved sleeping in the couches in the student union between classes. Some of my best sleep ever.

      Pizza’s a strong way to go. Pizza fills a void when hope can’t be found.

  27. Jennwith2ns says:

    Did you forget mine again … ? :-(Jennifer A. G. Layteformerly Jennifer Anne Grosserhttp://www.newenglandcondo.comhttp://www.thatsajennstory.comAuthor of Trees in the Pavement

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      What are you talking about? It’s right there at No. 59.

  28. Amazing how varied our desires are…and each important in its own right.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Hope’s crucial in its own right. Without it, what is there?

  29. brittabottle says:

    Another great list, Eli. As always, it’s a delight to be a part of your blogging community and to be on this list!

    It’s so interesting to me to go through this and see what people value most…how some people use humor to relay their point and others are straight forward and honest…so much so, it’s almost heartbreaking. It’s amazing what you can convey in 6 words, it really is and this topic particularly is such a great one.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad you liked it Britta. Thanks for being part of it – the community and the gaggle that comprised this list.

      The moment someone sends me their submission is also a factor. I’ve had people tell me later they wish they were more funny/serious/globally-minded/clever etc. No one sees the list until it’s out, but me. So they come to me in a vacuum.

      1. brittabottle says:

        which makes it so much more unique and thought provoking. None of us know what anyone else is going to say and sure, we may wish we would have sent something better after going through the list, but it DOES give a really unique look into what that person is thinking when they send you their submission…and that’s so cool.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        And I love when readers click through on the links to others’ blogs … it’s like a mini billboard into the writer behind the blogs and words.

  30. Loved reading the responses! Thanks for having me! I appreciate it! 😀

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Glad you liked it, Erik. Always good to have you along!

  31. All I can think when I read this list is, “My goodness, there certainly are some beautiful people in this world.”

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      All I can think of when compiling this list is, “Good gravy, there certainly are some beautiful people who answer these prompts.”

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks for the mention! It was great to be part of the week.

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