#AtoZChallenge: S is for Superpowers (a guest post from Cindy of Simple Steps)

stormtrooper potpourri 2017 soccer wilmington

I read so much these days.

AtoZ2019SI’ve migrated from Elephant Journal and Thought Catalog to Medium and Success Magazine. Plus, lots of blogs. So many blogs. Especially during the #AtoZchallenge. To write on the challenge and not read is like ordering caffeine-free Coke Zero.

On purpose.

All this reading can lead a writer to other writers. That’s how I found today’s guest poster, Cindy. Cindy writes the blog Simple Steps for Living Life. Learn to save time, money and sanity on her site. Good gravy, I could use to conserve a little of all three.

Cindy’s a guest blogger today to tell us what superpower she’d like to have.

She’s such an inviting writer and I feel like her words will resonate with so many of you. Please give her a warm CD welcome, and be sure to check out Simple Steps for Living Life – unless you’re content with things complicated and angsty.

cindy messy.jpg

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I’m toying with the idea of freezing time but still being able to move. As a mom, my first thought: I could clean the house and then freeze time. I’d sit on my clean couch and read a book – probably an organizational one so I would feel even better about myself. I have three kids and between them and me we can trash a place faster than a tornado. Plus, I’m the person in our family known as The Spiller and we have a 6-year-old!

AHA! The Spiller title could finally be eradicated. For too many years this label has followed me around like crumbs from a cracker. Or maybe it stuck because of the crumb trail I have the habit of leaving behind if I am eating and walking.

Freezing time could eliminate my title. As soon as my little Pigpen mess starts to emerge, I could quickly Swiffer it up before anyone would see it. Or just as I knock a full cup of Kool-Aid off of a counter, it would appear that my catlike reflexes don’t miss a beat as the cup is captured in my paws hands. Yes, my hands, I’m not asking to have cat powers; that supervillain has already been made.

Every superhero needs a nemesis. Mine would be Molasses Man. He could decelerate people and make it impossible for me to freeze time. Ok, I guess him decelerating people would be kind of similar to me freezing time though. Mainly, I like his catchy title of Molasses Man. Maybe instead of a villain, he could be my sidekick. We could work hand-in-hand, or mop-in-hand, cleaning up the accidental messes of homes and businesses everywhere.

Our “Bat Signal” would be a mop.

Anytime, a grocery clerk calls out, “Clean up on aisle…,” we would be there. Whenever a tray of plates crashes at a restaurant, we would be there. After a giant keg-er house party, we could be there. Giant poopy diaper up to the back explosion on a baby… um, yea, we wouldn’t be there for that. My kids have been out of diapers for a while now, and I’m not going back. That would be my kryptonite.




superhero meredith
photo credit: JD Hancock via photopin cc

Too short for Amazonian things

If I’m going to be a superhero, can freeze time, and help my fellow messys, I’m going to need a costume. The new Wonder Woman costume is pretty awesome, but I hate to completely copy it. Plus, I’m super short and could never pull off an Amazonian woman’s digs. As a mom, yoga pants seem like a good cliche, but they’re just not that flattering. I haven’t worn tights since I was 12 and they are sometimes itchy so that won’t work.  

Ok, my suit will be cut off jean shorts and a white shirt with a mop emblem to match my bat signal. I’ll need some adorable shoes, not for the outfit, just to celebrate becoming a superhero. Lastly, the matching mask over my eyes will conceal my identity. Shhh, don’t tell anyone that I’m Cleaning Woman. I’d hate for my family to find out I was cleaning up all the world’s messes and expect that I’d be doing this at home!

Look up in the sky, it’s a mop, it’s a broom, it’s Cleaning Woman!

Cindy headshot.jpgCindy Magee is a mother to three who fill her with glee. In her past life, she used to write poetry, have her artwork shown nationally & internationally and worked as an industrial engineer. Now, Cindy stays home while running a blog, creating oil on canvas or collage art, owning a T-shirt & design shop, and two years ago wrote a “how to be an adult” type book … even though she’s still not sure how to be one herself.  Other online places Cindy might be loitering:





A to Z Challenge:

A is for Almost (and also At Last)

B is for Baggett (as in Laura, the actress, and #GirlsRock interview)

C is for Cursive, Cats, and Chinese Restaurants (Go Ask Daddy about them)

D is for Drawing the Line

E is for Every Day Gratitude

F is for Fieri, Falling in Love, and Focus (Weekend Reads IV)

G is for #GoAskDaddy: An interview with realtor Kristen Foxx

H is for Habit of Peace

I is for I Shot the Sheriff, Item Lifting and other Illegal Activity (Go Ask Daddy)

J is for Journalist, a #GirlsRock Interview with Esther Robards-Forbes

K is for Kickass Kindness (to go with #gratitudeandshit)

 L is for Low Self-Esteem, Life Sucks, and Electric Lit (Weekend Reads V)

M is for Manifest your dreams? No thanks. (Here’s why.)

N is for a new path (and why you don’t need one)

O is for old people, other police dogs and one business day (Go Ask Daddy!)

P is for Patience (and how to procure it)

Q is for quality (and other #gratitudeandshit items)

R is for Ruining our lives, but also rules for divine timing and happier parenting (Weekend Reads VI)

cindy quote superhero




  1. Fun post! I don’t know anyone else that’s said freeze time to this question, but I like it! I don’t know what superpower I’d want. Maybe apparating from the Harry Potter books. I don’t necessarily want to FLY, but going from one place to the next in a snap would be great.


    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks! I would have said ‘freeze time’ when I was a kid, but that’s mainly because I wanted to swim with Brooke Shields in the Blue Lagoon.

      Maybe that nose twitch thing Samantha used to do on Bewitched …

  2. Beth says:

    Ooh I like it! I usually wish my superpower could be to be in two places at once, but being able to freeze time seems pretty dang awesome! Cindy seems awesome also, so I will have to check out her blog!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Not bad, eh Beth? I think most moms seem to be able to be in two places at once. Hope you like Cindy’s blog!

  3. Excellent idea for a superpower! Yes, i want to stop time, clean the messes, and then unfreeze. There’s so much to do.

    What a fun interview, thanks for posting it!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      We could use superheroes like her, Mimi. It would take so long to clean the messes – maybe I’ll be the one frozen and they can keep moving.

      Glad you enjoyed this!

  4. ksbeth says:

    how fun and full of life is she?!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      She’s a firecracker, Beth!

  5. I like her! And the super hero thing… I would be a time jumper if I could have any super power. Have you seen the movie “About Time” with Bill Nighy? It is from 2013. I want to be THAT guy! 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I haven’t seen that movie! One of my players got bit by a fire ant before our game yesterday, and I secretly hoped it would turn her into a super hero for the day.

      1. You’re bad! But I like the way your mind thinks… hope she is ok. Thise things are nasty!

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        Life is a comic book.

      3. Yes… yes it is!! 😉

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