🤸 #AtoZChallenge: D is for Do What I Do & Eat What I Eat

stormtrooper father kid forest

Camdyn pops in with suggestions for the blog all the time.

D“You should spend a day,” she said, probably as she killed a bag of Goldfish and watched The Amazing World of Gumball, “doing what I do and eating what I eat.” I imagined the horror of microwaved chicken nuggets and Spongebob Squarepants marathons.

I tucked the idea away in its appropriate Trello board and waited.

I told her Friday that today would be the day tomorrow. (Follow that?) I got up earlier than the kid, who requested breakfast of champions before her home match: Pancakes (with a batter similar to the waffles for people of all colors) topped with a fried egg.

pancakes eggs camdyn breakfast

So far, so good.

We didn’t even have time to tune in Shark Tank or paint fingernails or doodle around with her collection of succulents. Too bad especially on the last one. Camdyn has a love of plants and wants to play soccer at Wake Forest and become a botanist.

Unruly fans and beautiful plants

Meanwhile, I’m still trying to figure out what I’ll be when I grow up.

Camdyn gets lots of comments from the sideline. I don’t want them to go to her head, good or bad. She’s got the skill, one mom said one night, but Hannah just needs to body slam her next time. Mostly, Camdyn ignores it, although she hears it, too.

camdyn soccer corner kick

They’re going to give the ball to 6! One opposing dad whined – and Camdyn looked at me mischievously. I hope the dad saw it.

Yep, it went to No. 6. And there she went. Dang! A dad on our side said this time, as Camdyn rifled a shot from just inside the midline that found what we in the biz call the top shelf. But this isn’t a post to boast about some kid playing soccer. (She’s pretty good, though.)

Camdyn asked if we could visit a small nursery after the game.

camdyn botany nursery plants

I followed her around the humid walkways. Camdyn found the succulents as quickly as she finds her way to the goal. We carried around one – called a dragon tail, I think – before she changed her mind and opted for a small pot with four tiny succulents in it.

Then I heard that familiar, subliminal message from the kid – QT! – whispered.

Spicy food and grocery sacks

Why do you whisper it? I asked as we turned off the gravel road toward the QuikTrip gas station. Because it’s a secret, she said, and I imagined her wedding catered with slushies and supreme pizza slices and spicy beef taquitos.

camdyn QT spicy food

She made a mango slushie, and it was delicious.

We busted out our spicy beef taquitos and dunked them in ranch and it was a beautiful day. Camdyn later started to work on a cool environmental project. She cuts up T-shirts into reusable grocery sacks. It looks easy. Scoot over kid, I said. I started to chop and tie.

It’s not so easy, turns out.

camdyn craft grocery bag

They’re cool and they keep at least one plastic bag out of circulation when we remember to bring them. I’ve remembered a lot lately. I think she should sell them on Fiverr. Maybe $3 if you send your own shirt, $5 if she has to steal one of mine. What do you think?

The day, it turns out, was fun.

I got to spend it with a kid I’m crazy about. It was casual, on a gorgeous day. It involved stuff that makes my kid my kid: Soccer, spicy food, some craftiness. She’s a solid travel companion, keeping the radio station on Zepplin, even if she’s never heard of the song.

I’d even eat Goldfish and watch Zach and Cody Overboard or some such trash with a kid like her.

father daughter quote


  1. Pancake topped with a fried egg???? Hmmm, that’s something new in this part of the world. LOL!
    Lovely quote by Euripides. (ŐωŐ人)

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      It’s the breakfast of champions, Pat. You should give it a try.

      Euripides’ quote is one of the best ever on the subject of fatherhood.

  2. susanzutautas says:

    Love the bags! I think it’s a great idea to sell thm.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks, Susan. I hope we can find a way to do it.

  3. cricketmuse says:

    You have such a beautiful relationship with your daughter.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’m so grateful for it, too.

  4. vinodinii says:

    You father-daughter duo sound adorable. So much comfort and easy companionship. Lucky, you. 🙂

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      I’m so grateful to have a bond with my kids like this, Vinodini. Yes, I’m the lucky one!

  5. That does seem like it could be a pretty fun day. My son is much younger than Grace, but I could probably dig eating like him for a day – he loves pancakes and tater tots, how could I go wrong?

  6. Carol says:

    What a great relationship you have! Lovely read.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks, Carol. I’m totally grateful for the time we get to spend together.

  7. mividaocupada says:

    You are such a fun dad! I can tell how proud you are, they seem like great girls!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thank you! They are a handful – and I love every bit of it.

  8. Louise says:

    Is that maple syrup on there? You had me until that possibility 😉

    The rest of the day sounds like it was glorious. What a fun way to spend the day with your daughter.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      It’s not maple – we got it at Aldi. We had a few hours apart that day, and wish we could have had those, too.

      We do have a good time, these kids and me.

      1. Louise says:

        Ah – in that case I’m supportive of your breakfast choice 🙂 I enjoy reading your posts about you and the girls – among other things it is good to see blogging still working with kids when they are older.

      2. Eli Pacheco says:

        It’s a charmed life, Louise – Two of the three girls stay involved, and the other respectfully declines.

        (Elise wants to write a guest post – a list of dumb things parents say from the sidelines!)

      3. Louise says:

        I think you should support Elise in posting! Interesting to know a view from your stage – thanks!

      4. Eli Pacheco says:

        I love when she posts!

  9. Lauren Becker says:

    Sounds like a great day with your daughter. Yumm…pancakes!!


    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Any day that begins with pancakes is destined for greatness.

  10. stomperdad says:

    D is for Dad and you sir have the title. These are the kinds of days she’ll remember when she’s our age.

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Quite kind of you, lad. Thank you. I hope that you’re right!

  11. vanillabean says:

    What a great day together! I think you really missed out though on getting the sparkly blue nail treatment 😉

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      Thanks! We spend lots of weekend time together this way. You know, three daughters, and not one of them has ever wanted to paint my nails!

  12. hafararisay says:

    ice ice ice 😀

  13. Maggie C says:

    Goldfish! I nailed it with my vase contents suggestion!

    1. Eli Pacheco says:

      It comes back around to snacks, Maggie.

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